Are You a Candidate for Medical Cannabis in New York?
What to Know About Your Initial Cannabis Consultation
There are four basic steps to becoming a registered cannabis patient in New York:
- See a doctor
- Obtain a patient certification
- Register online as a patient
- Purchase from one of New York’s authorized dispensaries
While this is a very straightforward process, there are a few things you will need to consider before you begin the process.
You’re required to prove New York state residency to become a cannabis patient here. This requirement is usually satisfied with a driver’s license or a state ID. If you don’t have a state ID, you can show proof of residency through a utility bill or a lease with your name on it. The department may also allow other proof of residency at their discretion.
Those who temporarily reside in New York for serious medical treatment can also sign up for the program, so long as they provide documentation of temporary residency.
Qualifying NY Medical Cannabis
Not everyone qualifies for medical cannabis in New York. While the law is less restrictive than it was originally, you need to have one of the following “severe, debilitating or life-threatening conditions:”
- Cancer
- Positive status for HIV or AIDS
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
- Parkinson’s disease
- Multiple sclerosis
- Damage to the nervous tissue of the spinal cord with objective neurological indication of intractable spasticity
- Epilepsy
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Neuropathy
- *Chronic pain as defined by 10 NYCRR §1004.2(a)(8)(xi)
- Huntington’s disease
- Opiate replacement
You must also have one of the following associated or complicating conditions:
- Cachexia (weakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness)
- Severe or chronic pain
- Severe nausea
- Seizures
- Severe or persistent muscle spasms
Finding a Licensed Cannabis Doctor in New York
Because the Empire State requires these serious conditions to access medical cannabis, your doctor won’t recommend it for a minor condition. Any doctor who promises to approve, no matter what, is likely not compliant. Some people simply won’t qualify for the program.
Your doctor should ask to see the medical records connected to your condition. These records might include:
- Hospital visits
- Prescriptions
- Physical therapy records
- Detailed patient charts
- Medical test results
It’s a good idea to have all of those records ready before you talk to the doctor so you can provide any supplemental information he or she needs. Also, plan for the extra time it may take to track down certain records and other info. A legitimate doctor will take every step necessary to ensure you qualify under the law before certification.
For New York residents who shudder at the thought of making a special trip or simply don’t have time in their hurried schedule, consultations can be done entirely online. Save the car fare and cook that homemade meal while talking to your cannabis doctor from the privacy and comfort of home.

How to Start the Conversation with Your Cannabis Doctor
It’s important to know that not every doctor in New York can recommend cannabis as medicine. Doctors are first required to take a 4-hour certification course then register with the program as providers; so don’t be bewildered if your doctor won’t prescribe it. Instead, ask for a referral to a cannabis-friendly doctor who is qualified to help.
During the registration process, your doctor will have the option to tell the state their recommended method of administration and THC:CBD ratio. He or she will also have the option to leave this decision up to your dispensary’s pharmacist. Just discuss these preferences with your doctor during the consultation to make sure you get the proper dosage and cannabis type that meet your needs.
How to Get Your Medical Cannabis Registration in New York
If your doctor determines you’ll benefit from cannabis, he or she will register you with the state as a medical cannabis patient. Here’s the NuggMD process:
1) Create an account with NuggMD New York.
2) Provide basic info like your name, address and proof of age.
3) Provide your medical history with as much detail about your condition(s) as possible so the doctor will have a chance to evaluate your potential treatment options.
4) Provide your payment information and enter the virtual waiting room. You shouldn’t wait too long since there are several fully-licensed, cannabis-friendly physicians currently working with NuggMD. While you do, chat with one of our knowledgeable cannabis concierges to learn more about medical cannabis in New York.
5) When your new physician becomes available, he or she will finish your evaluation via our telemedicine platform. The video consultation can be as short or long as needed, with some consultations only requiring a few minutes to complete. And remember: don’t be afraid to ask questions. This is an important new step in your journey to wellness, and knowledge is power.
Some questions you should consider:
- What ratio of CBD to THC do I need?
- What method of application should I try?
- Should I combine methods?
- How often should I take my medicine?
- How will this affect other medicines I am taking?
Be sure to tell your doctor about every medicine, vitamin and herb you’re currently or have recently taken so he or she can ascertain any possible interactions.
6) As a NuggMD member, you only pay $149 for the evaluation.
7) Once approved as a cannabis patient in New York, you’ll receive an email with specific instructions to complete your state registration process. If you have any trouble completing this process, just hop on over to our site and our concierge service will happily give you a hand.
* On July 12, 2018, the Department of Health announced that they are enhancing the registration process to allow patients to print out 30-day temporary ID cards. This will allow patients to purchase medicine immediately upon completion of registration while they wait for the Department to process their application and mail out an ID card (ID cards must be renewed each year).

How to Buy Medical Cannabis in New York
After you’ve obtained your certification and registered with the state, it’s finally time to purchase your herbal medicine.
There are currently only 10 organizations in New York that are allowed to legally dispense medical marijuana:
Click here to see an interactive map of medical cannabis dispensaries in New York.
What Cannabis Consumption Methods Can I Use in New York?
There are three main consumption methods available for cannabis in NY:
Let’s explore each of these methods in detail.
This allows the active ingredients from your cannabis to directly enter the bloodstream through your lungs.
It’s the slowest method of cannabis administration, but also the longest lasting. The effect of edibles tends to be much stronger than inhaled cannabis so proceed cautiously.
This is because taking cannabis orally produces different compounds in our bloodstream that affect us differently than inhalation. Basically, our liver converts at least some of the delta-9 THC (the ingredient that makes us high when inhaled) to 11-hydroxy-THC, a much more potent psychedelic. When we inhale cannabis, it bypasses the liver so we don’t get all of that 11-hydroxy-THC.
Some new patients prefer topical cannabis applications because they’re (mostly) non-psychoactive. Rather than ingesting cannabis and feeling the potent effects of THC, topicals deliver THC and CBD directly into the affected area.
Topicals come in many forms, including lotions, balms, oils, lubricants and transdermal patches. They also come in many different THC:CBD ratios. But since THC isn’t easily absorbed into the skin, high THC topicals might be a little pricey when compared to their effects. Most are high in CBD and combined with other soothing ingredients like capsaicin, mint or other essential oils for added benefit.
A more recent trend in topical application is the transdermal patch. It utilizes the same type of agents that help the nicotine patch deliver compounds through the skin. These transdermal patches can make you high if they contain enough THC, so be careful when choosing the right topical.

Picking the Right Ingestion Method
All of these methods of delivering cannabis into the system provide a unique opportunity to help alleviate symptoms. Your physician might even recommend a combo of up to three different methods to get the maximum benefits.
For instance, the doctor might recommend a vape pen for immediate pain, then an oral dose since the vape pen’s effects tend to wear off sooner. With careful timing and dosing, it’s possible to get relief without the associated peaks and lows that come with other medicines.
Whichever methods your doctor recommends, be sure to follow dosing instructions to the letter. Taking your medicines in the wrong order or doubling up on doses could give you anxiety or couch-lock instead of relief.
Types of Cannabis Product Available in New York
Unlike many medical cannabis states, the range of legally available products in New York is very restricted. The state regulates the amount of THC in a product, the way it can be administered, and the amount that can be dispensed in a 30-day period.
The products currently allowed are:
- Metered liquid or oil preparations like vape pens and tinctures
- Solid and semisolid preparations like capsules, tablets and lozenges
- Ground, non-smokable plant preparations
- Topical applications and patches
The NY Compassionate Care Act forbids smokable cannabis and edibles. So the only fast-acting inhaled form of cannabis allowed is vaporization. Gummy bears or brownies are definitely out.
Each registered cannabis organization is also required to have at least one brand of cannabis with low THC/high CBD and one with equal THC/CBD. Aside from that, they’re allowed to produce their own brands with their own proprietary ratios of THC and CBD, so long as they get department approval first. We’ll go over a comprehensive list of the products available so far, a little later in this guide. For now, let’s go over the basics.
Each of these formulations and administration types are designed to target certain symptoms and conditions. Your doctor or pharmacist may have an in-depth discussion with you about these. In the meantime, here’s a basic breakdown of each product type, what conditions they’re most commonly used for, and how they’re used.
Vape Pen
Relatively new compared to the old joint, vaporizer pens are metered oil preparations heated into vapor then inhaled. They first started popping up in the early 2000s and have caught on quickly due to their convenience and discretion.
Vape pens are usually heated with a small cylindrical battery the size of a cigarette, although there are other battery types on the market. You can purchase vapor oil in bulk to fill cartridges, or in disposable cartridges.
When the cartridge is attached to the battery and activated, the solution heats up to about 390°F. This is actually below the combustion level so the active ingredients are inhaled without the smoke and tar you’d get with a joint or a bong.

A cannabis tincture is a liquid solution held under the tongue for fast absorption through the network of blood vessels there and in your gums. They might also be called cannabis oral solutions, but the action is basically the same.
Sometimes patients assume a tincture doesn’t work because they don’t take enough with the first dose and don’t feel the effects fast enough. This leads to discomfort once they get a surprise dose of highly psychoactive 11-hydroxy-THC, which grows more uncomfortable if they took another sublingual dose. Use extreme caution with this potent method and don’t take another dose ’till it’s time.
Like vaping, tinctures come in low to high CBD to THC ratios designed to treat different conditions.
Oral Sprays
Cannabis oral sprays work like tinctures, though make microdosing much easier. You’ll know exactly how much cannabis you absorb per spray, controlling your dose. This factor makes oral sprays ideal for first-time users who need THC, but want to start light.
Ads for oral sprays often refer to the fact that they mimic smoking. This doesn’t mean you should inhale like you do joints or vaporizers. You’re supposed to spray it on the mucous membranes inside your mouth and hold it for 30 seconds to a minute without swallowing. While you’ll feel the effects faster if administered properly, swallowing immediately still produces the same effects as other oral doses. Ask your pharmacist exactly how much THC is delivered with each spray.
This is a more comfortable way to take cannabis for those who have never taken anything other than pills. Cannabis capsules come in a very wide variety of dosing options and a wide range of THC:CBD ratios.
If you have any allergies such as gluten or wheat, let your pharmacist know as inactive ingredients may contain something that will irritate your allergies. Capsules come in very precise doses so you’ll have little risk of accidentally taking too much as long as you follow the doctor’s instructions.
Hard-Pressed Tablets
Tablets affect you in roughly the same way as capsules, but unlike capsules, you can break them down into smaller doses. This is a new product that recently became available and comes recommended for those who lack the motor control necessary for more intricate dosing methods.
What Does Cannabis Feel Like?
Surely you’ve heard stories about uncontrollable giggles, paranoia, and the unrelenting craving for a hot fudge sundae. But what does being on cannabis really feel like?
When you feel cannabis’ psychoactive effects you might mildly hallucinate, although strong hallucinations aren’t common. Colors might seem brighter or faces might appear weird, yet a more noticeable change is your state of mind. People tend to experience their surrounding environment in a more enhanced way. It’s also common to become very introspective or want to spend time creating art or music.
It’s a good idea to do something enjoyable while taking cannabis and surround yourself with friends and family – especially when getting used to your regimen. Also, be prepared with munchies and plenty of refreshing, non-alcoholic beverages as hunger and thirst are nearly universal symptoms of being “high.” This is why cannabis is used so often to treat anorexia.
Other most common effects of cannabis are:
- Relaxation
- A changed perception of time
- Loss of concentration
- Temporary memory loss
- Giggles
- Happiness
- Increased energy
- Decreased energy, colloquially called “the couch lock”

What to Do If Your Dose Is Too Strong
One effect of cannabis new users need to watch carefully for is anxiety. This can happen if you take too much THC for your tolerance level. Everyone is different, and what might be the perfect dose for your friend can be too much for you.
Some people find that they become slightly paranoid and experience palpitations and panic instead of calm and euphoria. If this is you, remember to stay calm; no one has ever overdosed on cannabis. Call your doctor as soon as you can so he or she can adjust your dosage, method of administration and THC:CBD ratio.
Meanwhile, first things first: eat something and drink plenty of fluids. Eating helps to slow down THC absorption rates in your digestive tract (if you took an edible form) and tends to curb the effects of the high. Drinking fluids will help to flush the extra THC from your system as well.
Eating can also occupy your mind, which leads to our next point – find something fun to do. Some people find a panic attack can be turned around by watching a stand up comedian, playing cards with friends, and even reading a good book in a quiet room. And try to find someone pleasant to spend your time with. If you ingest a little too much THC, remember it’ll eventually wear off – even if it seems like forever. However, if you start to experience any abnormal symptoms like vomiting, call 911 or head to the nearest emergency room.*
*A Note About Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome
Unlike a well-known disease for which we know the cause, we call a set of symptoms with uncertain causes a syndrome. No one knows exactly what causes cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, but it’s thought to be a result of using highly potent cannabis. It also appears to come in three stages:
- Prodromal: Can last for months to years and consists of feeling abdominal pain and nausea. Often, the patient increases their cannabis use to provide temporary relief from the symptoms.
- Hyperemetic: At this point, patients begin vomiting profusely. They’ll also decrease their food intake and can become dehydrated in severe cases. Many find that the only relief is from the nausea is a hot shower. This is when the patient usually begins to seek help.
- Recovery: Typically won’t start until the cannabis intake stops. Once it does, most patients begin to experience relief within days, but it could take months. If they use cannabis again, symptoms will likely return.
No one knows why some develop this condition after using cannabis for years, and some don’t. It’s also confusing to hear that cannabis can actually cause nausea and vomiting after heavy use as it’s usually used to treat nausea and vomiting. As cannabis potency strengthens and legalization reduces conversational barriers between patients and physicians, it’s becoming more common for people to seek treatment for CHS.
While this condition is very rare, it’s important to make sure new users understand that there are risks associated with heavy cannabis intake. Discuss these risks with your doctor and ensure that you follow up if you experience any unexpected nausea or vomiting.
Trial and Error
Sometimes it takes a little while to find the perfect dose. Often, a patient can become impatient with microdosing, especially if their doctor starts them on doses as low as 5mg. Lots of new patients find that tracking their symptoms helps monitor and find this perfect balance. Try saving your reactions to your doctor’s recommended administration methods and formulations in a journal or chart.
How to Stay Out of Trouble in New York
None of the information in this section or article constitutes legal advice. We’ve provided the non-comprehensive list of potential violations below so you understand it’s still possible to get into legal trouble for cannabis possession, even with a valid medical marijuana card. You should not consider this the full summary of all regulations that apply to you as a patient. Always seek the advice of an attorney for legal questions about your medical cannabis use and possession. There are still tens of thousands of cannabis-related arrests in New York every year. Don’t put yourself in the position to be one of them.
New York has decriminalized possession of small amounts of cannabis – 25 grams or less. However, you must keep your medical cannabis out of plain sight, not consume it in public, and definitely not possess more than the legal limit.
Even if you’re a registered MMJ patient, keep your cannabis out of sight or face possible criminal penalties. Having any amount in public view, smoking or otherwise consuming in public could result in a misdemeanor and 90 days in jail. This includes using your legally authorized vape pen. And remember, vaping is the only legally approved way of inhaling cannabis. Keep in mind that your medical cannabis recommendation is for your use only – sharing your medical cannabis with others can also get you in trouble.
The first couple of times you’re caught publicly possessing small amounts of unauthorized cannabis, you’ll be subject to a $100 or $200 fine (similar to a traffic ticket). If you’re caught more than twice, you could incur criminal penalties and even time in jail.
Possessing less than a quarter ounce of concentrates without state authorization is a misdemeanor that carries up to a year in jail. Possession of more than a quarter ounce of concentrates is a felony that results in a minimum seven years in prison.
Private New York cultivation remains illegal and will result in a misdemeanor and one year in jail. Possession charges for the amount grown can also result in a potential felony with several years in jail.
Unauthorized possession of any paraphernalia, such as cannabis scales, bongs or pipes, is a misdemeanor as well, punishable by up to a year in jail. Be aware of these additional charges:
- Giving away a joint can land you up to 3 months in jail
- Selling any amount can cost you 7 years in jail
- Trafficking will give you 15-25 years
- Driving while high will result in criminal charges
- Felony offenses can and likely will result in asset forfeiture
As you can see, non-medical cannabis is anything but legal in New York, and there are still plenty of ways to get into trouble with authorized cannabis. This makes it all the more important to obtain and maintain your status as registered cannabis patient. There are far more protections for legal patients than for recreational users.

Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Cannabis in New York
How much does cannabis cost in New York?
Believe it or not, the Health Commissioner has the final say over New York cannabis prices. Dispensaries submit the cost of growing and manufacturing cannabis products and their proposed prices. Then the commissioner decides if it’s reasonable and approves or denies the cost.
Can I get a card if I’m not a New York resident?
Your doctor can register you as a temporary resident if you’re staying in NY for treatment. Your certification will only be valid for the length of your stay, and you’ll be required to provide proof of temporary residency.
What if I don’t have a New York state ID?
Your doctor can verify your identity using other methods if necessary. According to the alternative patient verification instructions:
“The patient will upload a photo as a form of identification during the Patient Registration process. If your patient uploads a photo, you will receive an email from the Medical Marijuana Program to the email address printed on the patient’s certification asking you to validate that the photo received is a true likeness of your patient’s actual appearance. This validation must be performed before the New York State Department of Health can approve the patient’s registration.”
If I become a registered patient, will that excuse me from drug testing at work?
No. The state doesn’t provide protections for employees who use medical cannabis. If you’re concerned that your job doesn’t allow cannabis use outside of work, consider the potential consequences before making a final decision.
Can cannabis use affect parental rights?
Yes; there are no protections in New York for parents who are cannabis patients. The state does have a process, however, for parents to administer cannabis to their sick children in need.
Are patients allowed to re-register before their old card expires?
Yes. In fact, you’re expected to schedule your re-approval before your current registration expires.
Need Help? Here’s Where to Go
Our cannabis concierge team answers more than 300 questions each day through a live chat. Although these cannabis experts bend over backwards to solve any problem you have, even we admit there are some problems we can’t solve. The New York laws just aren’t perfect – yet.
The list below contains contacts and links for some of the more active cannabis advocacy organizations in the state. If you know of any other organizations we could add to this list, we’d love to hear from you.
The way we see it, the legalization fight is an ongoing battle that can only be won when no one has to worry about jail time for using this healing herb again and every prisoner of the cannabis drug war is free.
Please join us and the vast number of Americans who are now the marijuana majority in advocating for full legalization and an end to the war on drugs. We hope you now feel empowered to help make a change but, above all, you help change your own life with the medicine necessary to achieve the quality of life you deserve.
Additional Resources
Activist Organizations:
- Marijuana Policy Product
- Drug Policy Alliance
- Norml
- High NY
- Cannabis Society of New York
- New York Cannabis Alliance
- NYCannaBar
Medical Cannabis Products Available in New York

Columbia Care
Columbia Care has three different THC to CBD ratios for their product line:
- High THC / Low CBD: This traditional formulation is commonly used to treat symptoms including severe pain, nausea, vomiting, appetite stimulation, and difficulty sleeping.
- Equal THC / CBD: This balanced formulation is commonly used to treat symptoms including moderate pain, neuropathic pain, nausea, vomiting, appetite stimulation, inflammation, anxiety, and muscle spasms.
- Low THC / High CBD: This specialty formulation is commonly used to treat symptoms including neuropathic pain, inflammation, anxiety, seizures/epilepsy, and muscle spasms.
Each of these formulations come in four different, easy-to-use consumption methods:
- Sublingual tinctures
- Vaporization oil
- Hard-pressed tablets
- Oral capsules
You can find out more about Columbia Care’s line of products here.
MedMen has five different formulations of THC to CBD for their line of products:
- Wellness: A pure CBD ratio that optimizes health benefits and provides body relaxation with minimal cognitive side effects. Recommended for: patients with epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease.
- 0:1 (THC:CBD)
- THC 0.00 mg*
- CBD 200.00 mg*
*THC below the limit of detection; <0.1mg/dose
- Harmony: A perfect balance of THC and CBD that promotes well-being with subtle euphoric effects and mild cognitive side effects. Recommended for: patients with neuropathies, multiple sclerosis, cancer, IBS and chronic pain conditions.
- 1:1 (THC:CBD)
- THC 100.00 mg*
- CBD 100.00 mg*
No Additives or Fillers
*Total content per package.
- Awake: A 20:1 THC to CBD ratio appropriate for daytime treatment that provides a euphoric, uplifting effect with moderate cognitive side effects. Recommended for: Treatment of moderate to severe pain, multiple sclerosis, ALS, HIV/AIDS and IBS.
- 20:1 (THC:CBD)
- THC 190.48 mg*
- CBD 9.52 mg*
No Additives or Fillers
*Total content per package.
- Calm: A 50:1 THC to CBD ratio with subtle euphoric effects and notable cognitive side effects to help manage more severe symptoms. Recommended for: more severe symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis, ALS, HIV/AIDS, cancer and other chronic pain conditions.
- 50:1 (THC:CBD)
- THC 196.08 mg*
- CBD 3.92 mg*
No Additives or Fillers
*Total content per package.
- Sleep: A 100:1 THC to CBD ratio that provides a relaxing and sedative effect with higher cognitive side effects and better suited for nighttime use. Recommended for: Treatment of pain conditions and patients with multiple sclerosis, ALS, HIV/AIDS and cancer.
- 100:1 (THC:CBD)
- THC 198.02 mg*
- CBD 1.98 mg*
No Additives or Fillers
*Total content per package.
Each of these five formulations come in two different consumption methods:
1.) Vape pens for inhaled administration
2.) Drops for oral administration.
Find out more about MedMen and their product offerings here.
Etain offers four different THC to CBD ratios for their product line:
- Dolce: A high-CBD medical marijuana product. Dolce is formulated to provide a subtle euphoric effect in patients while concentrating on the calming effects of CBD. Dolce is formulated primarily from CBD with trace amounts of THC, and is intended for use by patients suffering from symptoms related to epilepsy, Huntington’s disease, or Parkinson’s disease.
Dolce is available at their dispensaries as:
- Capsules (pills) for oral use
- Tinctures (oil) for sublingual (under the tongue) use
- Oral spray formulated with a fresh mint taste
- Vaporizers for inhaled use
- Mezzo: A 2 CBD to 1 THC medical marijuana product. It’s formulated to lessen THC’s euphoric effects with CBD’s calming effects. Mezzo is intended for patients suffering from symptoms related to multiple sclerosis (MS), cancer, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), neuropathies, spinal cord damage, epilepsy, Huntington’s disease, or Parkinson’s disease.
Mezzo is available at their dispensaries as:
- Capsules (pills) for oral use
- Tinctures (oil) for sublingual (under the tongue) use
- Balance: An equal THC:CBD product. Balance provides a moderate euphoric effect accompanied by the calming effects of CBD. Balance is intended for patients suffering from symptoms related to Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Neuropathies, Spinal Cord Damage, Epilepsy, Huntington’s Disease, or Parkinson’s Disease.
Balance is available at their dispensaries as:
- Capsules (pills) for oral use
- Tinctures (oil) for sublingual (under the tongue) use
- Oral spray formulated with a fresh mint taste
- Vaporizers for inhaled use
- Forte: This high-THC product provides a strong euphoric effect in patients. Forte is formulated primarily from THC with trace amounts of CBD and is intended for patients suffering from symptoms related to ALS, HIV/AIDS, Parkinson’s, neuropathies, spinal cord damage, and cancer. Recommended for those with experience taking cannabis.
Forte is available at their dispensaries as:
- Capsules (pills) for oral use
- Tinctures (oil) for sublingual (under the tongue) use
- Oral spray formulated with a fresh mint taste
- Vaporizers for inhaled use
Discover more about Etain’s line of cannabis products here.
Vireo’s products come in five different general formulations of THC to CBD, with slightly different precise ratios for each administration method.
Blue: Vireo Blue products are predominantly CBD, with a small component of THC.
- Blue Oral Solution, 25mL Bottle
THC: 7 mg/mL
CBD : 42 mg/mL
- Blue Oral Solution, 12.5mL Bottle
THC: 7 mg/mL
CBD : 42 mg/mL
- Blue Capsules, 30 Capsules
THC: 0.7 mg/capsule
CBD : 4.3 mg/capsule
- Blue Prefilled Vaporizer Cartridge, 0.5mL Cartridge
THC: 36 mg/mL
CBD : 214 mg/mL
- Blue Bulk Oil for Vaporization, 1mL Vial
THC: 72 mg/mL
CBD : 428 mg/mL
Green: Vireo Green products are balanced, with equal amounts of THC and CBD.
- Green Oral Solution, 25mL Bottle
THC: 25 mg/mL
CBD : 25 mg/mL
- Green Oral Solution, 12.5mL Bottle
THC: 25 mg/mL
CBD : 25 mg/mL
- Green Capsules, 30 Capsules
THC: 2.5 mg/capsule
CBD : 2.5 mg/capsule
- Green Prefilled Vaporizer Cartridge, 0.5mL Cartridge
THC: 125 mg/cartridge
CBD: 125 mg/cartridge
- Green Bulk Oil for Vaporization, 1mL Vial
THC: 250 mg/mL
CBD : 250 mg/mL
Indigo: Vireo Indigo products are predominantly CBD, with a small component of THC.
- Indigo Oral Solution, 25mL Bottle
THC: 2.5 mg/mL
CBD : 47.5 mg/mL
- Indigo Oral Solution, 12.5mL Bottle
THC: 2.5 mg/mL
CBD : 47.5 mg/mL
- Indigo Capsules, 30 Capsules
THC: 2.5 mg/capsule
CBD : 47.5 mg/capsule
Red: Vireo Red products are predominantly THC, with a small component of CBD.
- Red Oral Solution, 25mL Bottle
THC: 23.75 mg/mL
CBD : 1.25 mg/mL
- Red Oral Solution, 12.5mL Bottle
THC: 23.75 mg/mL
CBD : 1.25 mg/mL
- Red Capsules, 30 Capsules
THC: 4.75 mg/capsule
CBD : 0.25 mg/capsule
- Red Prefilled Vaporizer Cartridge, 0.5mL Cartridge
THC: 237.5 mg/cartridge
CBD : 12.5 mg/cartridge
- Red Bulk Oil for Vaporization, 1mL Vial
THC: 475 mg/mL
CBD : 25 mg/mL
Yellow: Vireo Yellow products are predominantly THC, with a small component of CBD. With all
- Yellow Oral Solution, 25mL Bottle
THC: 24 mg/mL
CBD : 4 mg/mL
- Yellow Oral Solution, 12.5mL Bottle
THC: 24 mg/mL
CBD : 4 mg/mL
- Yellow Capsules, 30 Capsules
THC: 4.3 mg/capsule
CBD : 0.7 mg/capsule
- Yellow Prefilled Vaporizer Cartridge, 0.5mL Cartridge
THC: 214 mg/cartridge
CBD : 36 mg/cartridge
- Yellow Bulk Oil for Vaporization, 1mL Vial
THC: 428 mg/mL
CBD : 72 mg/mL
Vaporizer Starter Pack: The vaporizer starter pack contains vaporizer cartridges from 3 different formulations, Green, Yellow and Red. Each formulation may have a different effect on your condition:
- Vireo Green products are balanced, with equal amounts of THC and CBD.
THC: 50 mg/cartridge
CBD: 50 mg/cartridge
- Vireo Yellow products are predominantly THC, with a small component of CBD.
THC: 85.6 mg/cartridge
CBD : 14.4 mg/cartridge
- Vireo Red products are predominantly THC, with a small component of CBD.
THC: 95 mg/cartridge
CBD : 5 mg/cartridge
Special discounts are offered to patients that require financial assistance. Listed prices are prior to any discount and subject to change. You can learn more about Vireo’s line of products here.
Curaleaf 70% Vape Cartridge Hybrid 20:1 – 350mg
The Curaleaf 70% Vape Cartridge Hybrid 20:1 is a vape pen cartridge filled with highly refined cannabis oil with natural terpenes. At 70% concentrate, this vape pen comes at the affordable price of $60. The Curaleaf 70% Vape Cartridge Hybrid 20:1 contains 350mg of active cannabinoids. Inhalation is the fastest-acting method of administration, with typical onset of effect within 90 seconds lasting for 2-3 hours. Vaporization delivers cannabinoids in a manner that can be accurately titrated for the right dose.
Administration Form: Inhalation Vapor
Concentration: 70%
Ratio: 20:1
THC: 5mg / inhalation
CBD: 0.5mg / inhalation
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, Natural Terpenes, MCT Oil
Curaleaf Lemon-Flavored Tincture 1:1 – 30mL
The Curaleaf Lemon-Flavored Tincture is a high quality, lab-tested tincture that can be consumed under the tongue, added to beverages or food, or applied topically along with other all natural oils and lotions. This zesty lemon-flavored oil-based tincture offers a more pleasing administration experience for a high concentration solution containing 30mg active cannabinoids. Each bottle contains 30mL of cannabis oil and MCT oil with natural flavoring and terpenes. Onset typically takes effect within 15-40 minutes and lasts for 2-3 hours. The Curaleaf Lemon-Flavored Tincture is available in ratios of THC: CBD 20:1, 1:1, and 1:20. Every bottle includes a dosing pipet dropper for easy titration.
Administration Form: Oral or Sublingual
Ratio: 1:1
THC: 2.5mg / 0.5mL
CBD: 2.5mg / 0.5mL
Unit Size: 30mL
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, MCT Oil, Natural Flavors”
Curaleaf Lemon-Flavored Tincture 1:20 – 30mL
The Curaleaf Lemon-Flavored Tincture is a high quality, lab-tested tincture that can be consumed under the tongue, added to beverages or food, or applied topically along with other all natural oils and lotions. This zesty lemon-flavored oil-based tincture offers a more pleasing administration experience for a high concentration solution containing 30mg active cannabinoids. Each bottle contains 30mL of cannabis oil and MCT oil with natural flavoring and terpenes. Onset typically takes effect within 15-40 minutes and lasts for 2-3 hours. The Curaleaf Lemon-Flavored Tincture is available in ratios of THC: CBD 20:1, 1:1, and 1:20. Every bottle includes a dosing pipet dropper for easy titration.
Administration Form: Oral or Sublingual
Ratio: 1:20
THC: .25mg / 0.5mL
CBD: 5mg / 0.5mL
Unit Size: 30mL
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, MCT Oil, Natural Flavors
Curaleaf Lemon-Flavored Tincture 20:1 – 30mL
The Curaleaf Lemon-Flavored Tincture is a high quality, lab-tested tincture that can be consumed under the tongue, added to beverages or food, or applied topically along with other all natural oils and lotions. This zesty lemon-flavored oil-based tincture offers a more pleasing administration experience for a high concentration solution containing 30mg active cannabinoids. Each bottle contains 30mL of cannabis oil and MCT oil with natural flavoring and terpenes. Onset typically takes effect within 15-40 minutes and lasts for 2-3 hours. The Curaleaf Lemon-Flavored Tincture is available in ratios of THC: CBD 20:1, 1:1, and 1:20. Every bottle includes a dosing pipet dropper for easy titration.
Administration Form: Oral or Sublingual
Ratio: 20:1
THC: 5mg / 0.5mL
CBD: 0.25 mg / 0.5mL
Unit Size: 30mL
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, MCT Oil, Natural Flavors
Curaleaf Mint-Flavored Micro-Tablets 1:20
These mint-flavored micro-tablets are a refreshing new form of medicine. Each micro-tablet contains 5mg of active cannabinoids. Oral administration is a slower-acting method because the active cannabinoids must pass through the digestive system before entering the bloodstream. Pharmacological effects occur in 30-90 minutes, lasting for 2-3 hours.
Administration Form: Sublingual/Oral
Ratio: 1:20
THC: 0.25mg / tablet
CBD: 5mg / inhalation
Unit Size: 30 tablets
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, PVP, Sorbitol, Titanium Dioxide, Menthol, Magnesium Stearate, Natural Flavoring
Curaleaf Mint-Flavored Micro-Tablets 20:1
These mint-flavored micro-tablets are a refreshing new form of medicine. Each micro-tablet contains 5mg of active cannabinoids. Oral administration is a slower-acting method because the active cannabinoids must pass through the digestive system before entering the bloodstream. Pharmacological effects occur in 30-90 minutes, lasting for 2-3 hours.
Administration Form: Oral or Sublingual
Ratio: 20:1
THC: 5mg / 0.5mL
CBD: 0.25mg / 0.5mL
Unit Size: 30mL
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, Natural Terpenes, Excipients included: PVP, Sorbitol, Titanium Dioxide, Menthol, Magnesium Stearate, Natural Flavoring
Curaleaf Peppermint-Flavored Tincture 1:1 – 30mL
The Curaleaf Peppermint-Flavored Tincture is a versatile and easy-to-use form of medicine. This high quality, lab-tested tincture can be consumed under the tongue, added to beverages or food, or applied topically along with other all natural oils and lotions. This refreshing peppermint-flavored oil-based tincture offers a more pleasing administration experience for a high concentration solution containing 30mg active cannabinoids. Each bottle contains 30mL of cannabis oil and MCT oil with natural flavoring and terpenes. Onset typically takes effect within 15-40 minutes and lasts for 2-3 hours. The Curaleaf Peppermint-Flavored Tincture is available in ratios of THC: CBD 20:1, 1:1, and 1:20. Every bottle includes a dosing pipet dropper for easy titration.
Administration Form: Oral or Sublingual
Ratio: 1:1
THC: 2.5mg / 0.5mL
CBD: 2.5mg / 0.5mL
Unit Size: 30mL
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, MCT Oil, Natural Flavors
Curaleaf Peppermint-Flavored Tincture 1:20 – 30mL
The Curaleaf Peppermint-Flavored Tincture is a versatile and easy-to-use form of medicine. This high quality, lab-tested tincture can be consumed under the tongue, added to beverages or food, or applied topically along with other all natural oils and lotions. This refreshing peppermint-flavored oil-based tincture offers a more pleasing administration experience for a high concentration solution containing 30mg active cannabinoids. Each bottle contains 30mL of cannabis oil and MCT oil with natural flavoring and terpenes. Onset typically takes effect within 15-40 minutes and lasts for 2-3 hours. The Curaleaf Peppermint-Flavored Tincture is available in ratios of THC: CBD 20:1, 1:1, and 1:20. Every bottle includes a dosing pipet dropper for easy titration.
Administration Form: Oral or Sublingual
Ratio: 1:20
THC: .25mg / 0.5mL
CBD: 5mg / 0.5mL
Unit Size: 30mL
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, MCT Oil, Natural Flavors
Curaleaf Peppermint-Flavored Tincture 20:1 – 30mL
The Curaleaf Peppermint-Flavored Tincture is a versatile and easy-to-use form of medicine. This high quality, lab-tested tincture can be consumed under the tongue, added to beverages or food, or applied topically along with other all natural oils and lotions. This refreshing peppermint-flavored oil-based tincture offers a more pleasing administration experience for a high concentration solution containing 30mg active cannabinoids. Each bottle contains 30mL of cannabis oil and MCT oil with natural flavoring and terpenes. Onset typically takes effect within 15-40 minutes and lasts for 2-3 hours. The Curaleaf Peppermint-Flavored Tincture is available in ratios of THC: CBD 20:1, 1:1, and 1:20. Every bottle includes a dosing pipet dropper for easy titration.
Administration Form: Oral or Sublingual
Ratio: 20:1
THC: 5mg / 0.5mL
CBD: 0.25mg / 0.5mL
Unit Size: 30mL
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, MCT Oil, Natural Flavor
Curaleaf Premium 70% Vape Cartridge 20:1 Hybrid – 350mg
The Curaleaf Premium 70% Vape Cartridge 20:1 Hybrid is a vape pen cartridge filled with highly refined cannabis oil with natural terpenes. At an affordable price of $60, the Curaleaf Premium 70% Vape Cartridge 20:1 Hybrid contains 350mg of active cannabinoids. Inhalation is the fastest-acting method of administration with typical onset of effect within 90 seconds and lasting for 2-3 hours. Vaporization delivers cannabinoids in a manner that can be accurately titrated for the right dose.
Administration Form: Inhalation Vapor
Concentration: 70%
Ratio: 20:1
THC: 5mg / inhalation
CBD: 0.5mg / inhalation
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, Natural Terpenes
Curaleaf Premium 80% Vape Cartridge 1:1 Hybrid – 400mg
The Curaleaf Premium 80% Vape Cartridge 1:1 Hybrid is a vape pen cartridge filled with highly refined cannabis oil with natural terpenes. At the affordable price of $65, the Curaleaf Premium 80% Vape Cartridge 1:1 Hybrid contains 400mg of active cannabinoids. Inhalation is the fastest-acting method of administration with typical onset of effect within 90 seconds lasting for 2-3 hours. Vaporization delivers cannabinoids in a manner that can be accurately titrated for the right dose.
Administration Form: Inhalation Vapor
Concentration: 80%
Ratio: 1:1
THC: 2.5mg / inhalation
CBD: 2.5mg / inhalation
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, Natural Terpenes
Curaleaf Premium 80% Vape Cartridge 20:1 Hybrid – 400mg
The Curaleaf Premium 80% Vape Cartridge 20:1 Hybrid is a vape pen cartridge filled with highly refined cannabis oil with natural terpenes. At the affordable price of $65, the Curaleaf Premium 80% Vape Cartridge 20:1 Hybrid contains 400mg of active cannabinoids. Inhalation is the fastest-acting method of administration with typical onset of effect within 90 seconds lasting for 2-3 hours. Vaporization delivers cannabinoids in a manner that can be accurately titrated for the right dose.
Administration Form: Inhalation Vapor
Concentration: 80%
Ratio: 20:1
THC: 5mg / inhalation
CBD: 0.5mg / inhalation
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, Natural Terpenes
Curaleaf Premium 80% Vape Cartridge 20:1 Indica – 400mg
The Curaleaf Premium 80% Vape Cartridge 20:1 Indica is a vape pen cartridge filled with highly refined cannabis oil with natural terpenes. At the affordable price of $65, the Curaleaf Premium 80% Vape Cartridge 20:1 Indica contains 400mg of active cannabinoids. Inhalation is the fastest-acting method of administration with typical onset of effect within 90 seconds lasting for 2-3 hours. Vaporization delivers cannabinoids in a manner that can be accurately titrated for the right dose.
Administration Form: Inhalation Vapor
Concentration: 80%
Ratio: 20:1
THC: 5mg / inhalation
CBD: 0.5mg / inhalation
Cannabis Type: Indica
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, Natural Terpenes
Curaleaf Premium 80% Vape Cartridge 20:1 Sativa – 400mg
The Curaleaf Premium 80% Vape Cartridge 20:1 Sativa is a vape pen cartridge filled with highly refined cannabis oil with natural terpenes. At the affordable price of $65, the Curaleaf Premium 80% Vape Cartridge 20:1 Sativa contains 400mg of active cannabinoids and is available in the THC: CBD ratios of 20:1. Inhalation is the fastest-acting method of administration with typical onset of effect within 90 seconds lasting for 2-3 hours. Vaporization delivers cannabinoids in a manner that can be accurately titrated for the right dose.
Administration Form: Inhalation Vapor
Concentration: 80%
Ratio: 20:1
THC: 5mg / inhalation
CBD: 0.5mg / inhalation
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, Natural Terpenes
Curaleaf Slim Vape Pen 30% 1:1 – 150mg
The Curaleaf Slim Vape Pen 30% 1:1 is a disposable vape pen filled with highly refined cannabis oil and a pharmaceutical-grade MCT oil excipient. At 30% concentrate, this vape pen comes at the affordable price of $25. The Curaleaf Slim Vape Pen 30% 1:1 contains 150mg of active cannabinoids. The pen is powered by a lithium battery for an estimated 150 standard (5-second long) inhalations. Inhalation is the fastest-acting method of administration with typical onset of effect within 90 seconds lasting for 2-3 hours. Vaporization delivers cannabinoids in a manner that can be accurately titrated for the right dose.
Administration Form: Inhalation Vapor
Concentration: 30%
Ratio: 1:1
THC: 0.5mg / inhalation
CBD: 0.5mg / inhalation
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, MCT Oil, Natural Terpenes
Curaleaf Slim Vape Pen 30% 1:20 – 150mg
The Curaleaf Slim Vape Pen 30% 1:20 is a disposable vape pen filled with highly refined cannabis oil and a pharmaceutical-grade MCT oil excipient. At 30% concentrate, this vape pen comes at the affordable price of $25. The Curaleaf Slim Vape Pen 30% 1:20 contains 150mg of active cannabinoids. The pen is powered by a lithium battery for an estimated 150 standard (5-second long) inhalations. Inhalation is the fastest-acting method of administration with typical onset of effect within 90 seconds lasting for 2-3 hours. Vaporization delivers cannabinoids in a manner that can be accurately titrated for the right dose.
Administration Form: Inhalation Vapor
Concentration: 30%
Ratio: 1:20
THC: 0.05 mg / inhalation
CBD: 1 mg / inhalation
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, MCT Oil, Natural Terpenes
Curaleaf Slim Vape Pen 30% 20:1 – 150mg
The Curaleaf Slim Vape Pen 30% 20:1 is a disposable vape pen filled with highly refined cannabis oil and a pharmaceutical-grade MCT oil excipient. At 30% concentrate, this vape pen comes at the affordable price of $25. The Curaleaf Slim Vape Pen 30% 20:1 contains 150mg of active cannabinoids. The pen is powered by a lithium battery for an estimated 150 standard (5-second long) inhalations. Inhalation is the fastest-acting method of administration with typical onset of effect within 90 seconds lasting for 2-3 hours. Vaporization delivers cannabinoids in a manner that can be accurately titrated for the right dose.
Administration Form: Inhalation Vapor
Concentration: 30%
Ratio: 20:1
THC: Contains 1mg / inhalation
CBD: Contains 0.05mg / inhalation
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Product Contains: Cannabis Oil, MCT Oil, Natural Terpenes
The Botanist
Etain Balance Powder 1:1
Unknown Strain
1:1 5mg THC/5mg CBD per 1/8th teaspoonful 60 doses
$105 each
Etain Forte Powder 20:1
Unknown Strain
20:1 THC 5mg to <.1mg per 1/8 teaspoonful 60 doses
$75 each
Etain Dolce Vape Cartridge 1:20
Unknown Strain
<.1mg THC and 2.33 MG CBD per inhalation 150 doses
$135 each
Etain Balance Vape Small 1:1
Unknown Strain
1:1 1.3 mg THC/1.3 mg CBD per inhalation 90 total doses
$85 each
Etain Balance Vape Large 1:1
Unknown Strain
1:1 1.3 mg THC/1.3mg CBD per inhalation 180 total doses
$165 each
Etain Dolce Spray 1:20
Unknown Strain
1:20 <1mg THC and 8mg CBD per 4 sprays 46 total doses
$135 each
Etain Balance Spray 1:1
Unknown Strain
1:1 5mg THC/5 g CBD per 2 sprays 50 total doses
$105 each
Etain Forte Spray 20:1
Unknown Strain
20:1 7mg THC and /0.1mg CBD per 3 sprays 50 total doses
$105 each
Etain Dolce Tincture 1:20
Unknown Strain
1:20 <1mg THC/10mg CBD per 10 drops 35 total doses
$110 each
Etain Mezzo Tincture 1:2
Unknown Strain
1:2 5mg THC/10mg CBD per 5 drops 60 total doses
$150 each
Etain Balance Tincture 1:1
Unknown Strain
1:1 5MG THC/5MG CBD per 5 drops 46 total doses
$165 each
Etain Forte Tincture 20:1
Unknown Strain
20:1 6.5mg THC/<0.1mg CBD per drop 75 total doses
$165 each
PharmaCann Blue Capsules 20:1
Unknown Strain
20:1 5mg THC/<.5mg CBD per capsule 20/60 total doses
$105 pack of 60
PharmaCann Green Capsules 1:1
Unknown Strain
1:1 5mg THC/5mg CBD per capsule 20/60 total doses
$165 pack of 60
PharmaCann Blue Vape Hybrid 20:1
Unknown Strain
20:1 8mg THC/<.5mg CBD per inhalation 50 total doses
$72 each
PharmaCann Blue Vape Sativa 20:1
Unknown Strain
20:1 8mg THC/<.5mg CBD per inhalation 50 total doses
$72 each
PharmaCann Blue Vape Indica 20:1
Unknown Strain
20:1 8MG THC/<.5MG CBD per inhalation 50 total doses
$72 each
You can view The Botanist’s full line of products here.
Blue 20:1 Hybrid Vape
from PharmaCann
$80 0.5/ML
Blue 20:1 Sativa Vape
from PharmaCann
$80 0.5/ML
Blue 20:1 Indica Vape
from PharmaCann
$80 0.5/ML
Aqua 2:1 Vape
from PharmaCann
$80 0.5/ML
Green 1:1 Vape
from PharmaCann
$80 0.5/ML
Yellow 1:20 Vape
from PharmaCann
$80 1/ML
Blue 20:1 Capsule Extra Strength
from PharmaCann
$175 60/CT
Blue 20:1 Capsule Extra Strength
from PharmaCann
$65 20/CT
Blue 20:1 Capsule Regular Strength
from PharmaCann
$105 60/CT
Blue 20:1 Capsule Regular Strength
from PharmaCann
$40 20/CT
Green 1:1 Capsule Extra Strength
from PharmaCann
$295 60/CT
Green 1:1 Capsule Extra Strength
from PharmaCann
$110 20/CT
Green 1:1 Capsule Regular Strength
from PharmaCann
$165 60/CT
Green 1:1 Capsule Regular Strength
from PharmaCann
$60 20/CT
Yellow 1:15 Capsule Extra Strength
from PharmaCann
$225 20/CT
Yellow 1:15 Capsule Regular Strength
from PharmaCann
$125 20/CT
Blue 20:1 Oral Solution
from PharmaCann
$85 30/ML
Blue 20:1 Tincture
from PharmaCann
$45 30/ML
Green 1:1 Oral Solution
from PharmaCann
$85 30/ML
Yellow 1:15 Oral Solution
from PharmaCann
$150 30/ML
You can view the full line of PharmaCannis’s products here.
Deb Tharp is a cannabis activist, consultant, and writer. She began her cannabis activism at the age of 18, helping local candidates campaign door-to-door in the Midwest. Little did she know that the plant would save her husband's life a decade later. After watching him recover 60 pounds to his skeletal frame in a matter of months, she was convinced that the war on weed must end.
She ran for State Assembly in 2010 while completing her bachelor's degree at University of California, Irvine. During her campaign, she managed to bring cannabis legalization to the forefront of the debate. Little more than a year later, she was publicly arrested while gathering signatures for a cannabis ballot initiative in Orange County. She fired back at the county by qualifying Measure CC in Santa Ana under Kandice Hawes' of OC Norml’s expert leadership.
In the following years, she authored, qualified and helped to qualify over a dozen local legalization ballot initiatives across the state while teaching other activists how to do the same.
She currently writes for Nugg, the nation's largest online cannabis marketplace, while pursuing her law degree at Taft Law School and will graduate in 2021.