New York Christmas Gift Guide
Deb Tharp | December 11, 2019 | Leave a Comment

Christmas is here again, and even though Black Friday is over, it’s a good bet there’s still a few gifts to get. Too bad cannabis isn’t an option in New York because it’s still illegal to give away. California regularly sees a massive uptick in cannabis sales around the holidays.
But just because we can’t give cannabis or paraphernalia to our fellow patients in New York, doesn’t mean that we can’t find great presents for them. There are hundreds of cannabis-inspired gifts that will show your stoner friends you care.
Here’s a few gifts that we hope will inspire you this Christmas!
These cute men’s socks turn the table on the stoners in our life.
Bong Appétit: Mastering the Art of Cooking with Weed
Inspired by the Viceland show of the same name, this book by the editors of Munchies delves deep into the science of cannabis infusion and culinary arts.
Marijuana Pot Leaf Cookie Cutters
Ready to try out your new recipes? This cookie cutter will take the cake. Makes a great stocking stuffer for your favorite cannabis foodie too!
This little smell proof stash jar can attach to your backpack or keychain. It’s waterproof so it protects your bud till you get where you need to be.
If you’ve got a friend who loves retro “Reefer Madness” type merch, they will LOVE this metal sign. It’s perfect for a man cave, she shed or garage.
Your favorite science buff will have a lot of fun with this periodic table. The elements coincide with the actual periodic table, so it’s accurate. But of course, it’s all about the bud.
This one’s for your bud who likes to bbq.
This informative, 144-page book by Mickey Dee covers the recent research and progress in cannabis treatment for a wide variety of ailments. If you have a friend who’s thinking about trying cannabis for their medical condition, but wants to learn more before they take the leap, they could benefit in a big way by reading this.
The perfect pun. This gift is great for a giggle.
This table lamp/night light runs on 3 AA batteries and changes colors as it glows.
If your friend qualifies as a medical marijuana patient, but hasn’t applied to the program yet, NuggMD can help. A medical cannabis evaluation only costs $149 in New York and takes just minutes from the comfort of their own home. If you’d like to help a friend or loved one receive an affordable New York medical card this Christmas, please contact customer service today at