Cheeba Chews Review: Quad Dose, Deca Dose & CBD

Cheeba Chews ReviewCheeba Chews Review

It’s hard to produce an edible that stands out in an industry saturated with seemingly every kind of cannabis infused food imaginable. But Cheeba Chews has gained attention for being one of the first dedicated brands to make groundbreaking, potent and tested marijuana edibles.


Cheeba Chews started in 2009 in Boulder, Colorado by James Howler, who noticed major discrepancies between edibles that claimed to have the same strength and effects. So he created the company as a way to standardize edible lab testing and to develop a new, more discreet and portable edible than the pot brownie that was practically synonymous with edibles at the time.


After eight years, Cheeba Chews are now available at over 800 dispensaries across Colorado and California. However, in today’s more competitive market, Cheeba Chews’ major selling points don’t stand out as much as they used to. So how do their products hold up? We’ll tell you everything you want to know about these delightful chewy gummy edibles. 



What Are Cheeba Chews?


Cheeba Chews RecipeCheeba Chews Recipe


Cheeba Chews are bite-sized, soft, rectangular taffiesbasically a cannabis infused Tootsie Roll with distinct strengths, and now multiple flavors. In addition to cannabis oil they’re made with simple ingredients like soybean oil, corn syrup, milk, cocoa and sugar. They’re even nut and gluten-free.


Staying true to their original mission of standardizing lab testing for edibles, each chewy batch is made with pharmaceutical grade cannabis extract, which is tested on a monthly basis to maintain the correct THC, CBD and CBN content and ensure quality and consistency.


Types of Cheeba Chews


Cheeba Chews’ core line of medical cannabis edibles includes combinations of sativa, indica, and hybrid THC and/or CBD candies. If you’ve tried these bad boys before, you know they’re seemingly small but pack a big punch.  If you haven’t tried before, understand that a formidable high is coming your way and should be approached with caution.


We recommend eating half first then waiting at least an hour before eating the other half, as is good practice with any new cannabis product you try. After all, we don’t yet have industry-wide standards for dose regulation, so it’s best to assume that something will have a stronger effect than you think. 


Remember—you can always eat more, but you can’t eat less. Wise words to live by my friends.


The Quad Dose

Cheeba Chew’s flagship product, the “Quad Dose,” contains 70mg of THC. If you’re generally unaccustomed to medical marijuana, a single portion will have a noticeable effect so start with a quarter (about 20mg); but if you’re a seasoned smoker or edible consumer the entire taffy should be the correct amount to feel its full effects.


If you don’t like chocolate, there’s also the fruity gummy “Green Hornet” from Cheeba Chew that contains the same dosage, but with apple and fruit punch flavors. Yum!

You’ll find quad doses available in the following forms:


  • 70mg THC Taffy (Indica dominant)
  • 70mg THC Taffy (Sativa dominant)
  • 70mg THC Taffy (Hybrid)
  • 70mg THC Green Hornet Gummy 2-pack (Indica dominant)
  • 70mg THC Green Hornet Gummy 2-pack (Sativa dominant)


Deca Dose

Alternatively, the stronger “Deca Dose” Cheeba Chew has over 100 more mgs of THC, 175mg in all, and is recommended for anyone with a higher cannabis tolerance and/or for anyone with severe, chronic pain; if you do, only start with a quarter (about 44mg THC).


The slightly weaker caramel sativa edible contains 100mg of THC. While only 25mg stronger than the quad chews, these still pack a punch and should be rationed into four, equal 25mg doses or into two doses (50mg) if you’re more cannabis experienced.


Hell, if you’re a cannabis connoisseur, feel free to ignore our recommendations on dose. You know your limits, abide by them wisely, or see you on planet Zorborg (it’s one of our favorite vacation spots).

You’ll find Deca dosages in the following strengths:


  • 175mg THC Deca Dose Taffy
  • 100mg THC Caramel Taffy (Indica dominant, Colorado only)
  • 100mg THC Caramel Taffy (Sativa dominant, Colorado only)
  • 100mg THC Caramel Taffy (Hybrid, California only)


CBD Chews

CBD Cheeba Chews are recommended if you’re looking for a purely medicinal experience, without any psycho-activity. We’re talking pain relief, anti-inflammation, mood enhancement—all without your traditional “high.”


Thanks to two different versions—one containing about twice as much THC as CBD, the other containing almost pure CBD—you can choose between a medicinal high or medicinal effects.


In each case, CBD chews will help relieve back pain, insomnia, headaches, and other ailments cannabis commonly cures. Always thinking of the consumer & your different taste preferences, Cheeba Chews also makes a Green Hornet CBD gummy.

Unlike other Cheeba Chew medicinal products, CBD are only available in three types:


  • High CBD 20mg:50mg (CBD:THC) Taffy
  • Pure CBD 50mg:2mg (CBD:THC) Taffy (Non-psychoactive)
  • Green Hornet 50mg CBD Gummy 2-pack (Non-psychoactive)


How Much Cheeba Should You Chew?


Though each of these products may look and sound similar, their informative packaging clearly notes the difference in their contents, and their different colors make choosing the right candy simple and straightforward.


Still, even experienced cannabis users may find themselves taken aback by their strength, so being the responsible cannabis aficionados we are, we have to advise starting with a single dose, or a quarter (¼) of the whatever chew meets your tolerance and medical needs. If uncertain, just follow these dosage guidelines:


  • Single Dose (17.5mg THC) = 1-2 bowl hits
  • Double Dose (35mg THC) = 3-4 bowl hits
  • Quad Dose (70mg THC) = Joint to yourself
  • Deca Dose (175mg THC) = High Tolerance Patients Only (the black diamond of chews)


How to Make Your Own


Is the Cheeba Chew price putting a dent in your wallet? Rather make your own? Just follow this simple Cheeba Chews recipe and enjoy a batch of medicated treats in no time! 



  • 1 bag of Tootsie-Roll Minis
  • 10 grams of hash oil
  • 1 tablespoon of sweetened condensed milk
  • Butter or cooking spray (butter preferred)
  • 1 (8” x 8”) Pyrex baking pan



  1. Put Tootsies into a stovetop pot and melt them on low heat, constantly stirring to ensure a smooth consistency and prevent burning.
  2. When melted, add the hash oil and condensed milk then stir for 2 minutes; the oil and milk must be completely mixed in so the candy can correctly set.
  3. Coat the pan evenly with the butter or spray then carefully pour the hot mixture into the pan.
  4. Put the pan in the fridge, letting it cool for at least 2 hours.
  5. Once cooled and hardened, remove the candy from the pan and cut into small pieces (size varies depending on your cannabis tolerance).


Pros & Cons



The biggest edge Cheeba Chews have over other edible products is their portability and effectiveness. For a product with a relatively high potency, it’s easier to carry (like up to 20) in your pocket or purse than most of its competitors’ THC treats, taking up about the same amount of space as an actual Tootise Roll would. Plus, it won’t melt as much as a regular chocolate bar, since these things are straight taffy.


And, fortunately, Cheeba Chews makes good on their promise of using lab testing to ensure consistent dosing in every chocolaty chew. No matter which strengths and dosages are right for you, rest assured that the same dose will produce the same effects every time. 


If you’re a first-time patient (and have been paying attention to our incessant need to recommend appropriate dose amounts), please understand how valuable it is that Cheeba maintains consistent dosing in all their products. This is RARE in the world of cannabis, even for the best brands.



For all the ways they’ve helped shape and legitimize medical-grade edibles, Cheeba Chews (not Green Hornet) could stand to improve their flavor and texture. A pungent cannabis taste, which can be off-putting to many, especially newbies, accompanies an otherwise typical chocolate taffy flavor. But hey, that’s what you get with such a small, portable product, and we’re happy they don’t stuff each chew with mounds of sugar.


Keep in mind, taste is rather subjective, and we’ve known plenty of patients who actually enjoy the taste of Cheeba Chews.


They could also improve the candy’s purity, which at times contains grainy solids that can make for an unpleasant chewing experience. That’s not to say the dose isn’t accurate, it’s just the texture in your mouth that might vary from chew to chew.


Fortunately, lack of flavor & the occasional inconsistent texture is really the only obstacle that holds back these otherwise incredible little products. And we’re just being nit-picky here — trust us, you’ll love these things.


Since Cheeba Chews debuted eight years ago, many advances have been made in the world of edibles, to the point that some are quality food products in their own right, enjoyable because of and not in spite of their medicinal component.


First Hand Cheeba Chew Experiences


“I give this product credit for being very potent for the size. It is a chewy consistency and pretty sweet. Doesn’t take much to do the job.” —Justine


“These [Pure CBD Cheeba Chews] are easy to eat and help with my migraines and overall anxiety…I prefer using this medicinal marijuana over any painkillers I get prescribed. I didn’t feel any significant psychoactive reaction at all either, I was able to drive after eating it.” —Caitlin


“These little tasty Cheebas may be small but let me just tell you…they are strong! They have been awesome for me especially with my high tolerance!!” —Shelby


“Super positive post. My husband has seizures and felt one coming one. He ate half of your pure cbd and the seizure went away. He said he never felt high just very alert. Thank you for saving the day.” Presence


“Another really great product from Cheeba Chews, I’ve tried almost all of them and I tried this with my aunt, who really benefits from CBD products because she doesn’t like the psychoactive effects of cannabis. Really great price for how long it lasts you.” —Wesley


Final Verdict


Effectiveness: 5/5

Cheeba Chews do their job exactly as advertised, and thanks to rigorous lab testing, they’ll work the same way every time.


Strength: 5/5

From a beginner’s dose of 17.5mg of THC to an entire quad dose of 175mg of THC, Cheeba Chews leaves choosing one of their several strengths entirely up to you.


Taste: 2.5/5

They’re edible, but for most, the taste won’t impress, so you’ll just have to get it down. To some this is probably inconsequential considering their size and strength, while to others it may be a deal breaker.


Cost: 4/5

There are of course certain brands that offer similar potency for less, but those edibles may not have a leg up on Cheeba Chews’ rigorous lab testing and portability. You’re paying for quality here, people.


Though they’ve helped pave the way for many of the quality edibles we now take for granted, Cheeba Chews have now become something of a niche product. Thanks to their wide availability, people in areas with more limited dispensary options may find Cheeba Chews prices and potencies to be their best bet, probably why they were named “America’s Favorite Edible.”


Nugg Rating: 4.5

Because of their insistence on constant lab testing, quality is guaranteed in a way few which few other brands are able to match. But an unappealing taste and middling price will mean that competing products may be a better option if you have more available choices. Regardless of their flaws, these small edibles get the job done (and then some), and we’d highly recommend them.

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View Comments (1)

  • This is very convenient and probably the most discreet version of an edible I've come across in reviews. It's especially helpful for children and other patients who do not wish to be conspicuous about their cannabis use but require it for their health needs. Thanks for sharing your review!

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